She gets offended but decides to take him up on his offer to pose for a painting. The H is an artist who meets the h at a restaurant one night, and tells her he bets she has dimples on her ass. It begins in contemporary time (although I think this book was published in the 80's or 90's). I've been looking for a book I read years ago and thought someone may be able to help. I really wish there was some sort of database where you could search keyword plot lines to books and find titles! It would make this so much easier! (I seem to run across that book everytime I try to search for this book!) I really hope someone can help! I know it's not a Harlequin, I also know it's not The Black Lyon book. :) Seems like they're really poor/all of their supplies are gone. I think I remember the h has been running the castle by herself for a while now-though I may be getting that from another book.

In fact no one at the castle is happy about the H's presence I remember the h is not happy about her upcoming marriage to the H-so maybe he won the castle in a siege, etc. She is really young-14 or so** This was a big part of the storyline The h has 2 sisters**the youngest of whom is raped (by the H's men (?))-I do know one of his men takes her and cares for her/nurses her back to health. (dark hair, etc) "Black" may even be in the title of the book The H wears a lot of black, and it seems like he's dark as well.

:) I've been looking for this book for SO long! I don't remember much about it, but here's what I do know: